Women in Art

So thankful I had a chance to come by the show Sunday, even though I couldn’t make it to the opening. I love the layout! Everything just seems to flow into each other and the girls who hung the show really did an excellent job. 

I know last year, for the first show, there was some confusion that the show had to be depictions of women when that is so not the case! So I’m really glad to see more of a variety this year in subject matter and still all done by women. 

It’s humbling to be a part of something like this. I’ve gotten to know several of the artists in the show through the monthly YAH Women in Art meetups. Though it has all been through Zoom since I joined during the pandemic, it still was really cool getting to know them and their interests and what inspires them. Then seeing their work in the show, I got to be a little closer to them, even though we didn’t visit the gallery at the same time. 

I’m really glad to have joined the group and put myself out there. A year ago I had not seen myself making art with consistency. The community Mad Lab project with painting benches really woke up that part of me that needs to create. I’m thankful to have this opportunity to dedicate the time and energy to explore the way I have been. 


And talk about a bright spot after the past year of pandemic! It really feels like spring has come. I know numbers are still rising, but I feel hope that we’ll find a new normal. I’m also reassured that even apart we will continue to create art that can be shared together. 

What is something that you have grown throughout the past year? 

As always: If anyone following along would like to donate, batting, fabric, textiles, lace, ribbons, beads, and other sewing notions: please contact You Are Here Art Gallery. Oh, Scrap! Is also open to the public to purchase your own materials to create something new! 

Thanks for stopping by and happy creating!