Introducing Jessica Brown


I’m Jessica Brown, Fibre Artist, and regional birth & postpartum doula. I work with expecting families as they prepare for their upcoming births, supporting them throughout labor and often in the home post-birth. I have the joy of watching families grow and gain self-confidence in parenting their sweet newborns. 

By offering comfort, information, non-judgemental support, and connecting them with community resources; doulas help to bridge a gap in our communities in how we treat the birthing process and the parents involved.

I hand stitched my first quilt this year, discovering joy in the process and realizing that I could use fibre arts as a way to combine my passion to create and my drive to serve families through birth work.

As a DONA International trained doula, I’m encouraged to provide a doula to anyone who wants one. We really want to change the US infant and maternal mortality rates. A significant portion of those deaths directly affects people of color as well as lower-income families. 

The families that would benefit most from the continuous support of a doula are often the ones who cannot afford services out of pocket. This is why profits from the work I’m creating during my residency will be used to fund doula services to families with financial need. 

I will be sourcing materials from Oh, Scrap! and would be grateful for donations of fabric, textiles, batting, thread, needles, and other sewing notions. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you enjoy the process I will be sharing in the coming weeks!