Learned; don’t hang your fabric! 

Remember how I said I have been hanging the completed rows? 

Learned; don’t hang your fabric! 

I wanted to keep from wrinkling the rows I just completed while working on the others, so I hung them from my curtain rod and door. Was nice to see the pattern and felt like a visual marker of progress. However, it stretched the fabric in odd ways so matching up the rows has been interesting. 

Those clips I got have been really helpful though. I can adjust and fiddle with them while checking to see if the pattern is lining up without adding extra holes to the fabric. Definitely glad I got them! 

Little over halfway in assembling the quilt top! Overall really pleased with how it is turning out and looking forward to the hand quilting portion. Something so relaxing about quilting. I know plenty of quilters will machine sew the piecing and rows, but will hand stitch the quilt layers together. Nice mix between efficiency and still having that hand-sewn feel. 

Considering the Davis machine still needs servicing, I will be working on the total hand sewing practice. I actually broke the eye of a needle off the other day! Shame since the needle point was still sharp. 

Been using smaller sized needles. They’re definitely more bendy and tend to be shorter. Seems to be helping me get smaller neater stitches, though that might just be all the practice! 

As I near the end of the quilt top, I realize there isn’t any batting available at Oh, Scrap! donated supplies at You Are Here. 

If anyone following along would like to donate batting, fabric, textiles, lace, ribbons, beads, and other sewing notions: please contact You Are Here. 

I would love to finish this quilt as we ring in the New Year! 

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!