
As an introvert, I’m pretty glad the holidays have wrapped up. Partly because of the intensity of creating at the last minute! Everyone from the Dungeons and Dragons group I’m in got their individualized salt dough ornaments with matching fabric ornament bags. And I finished my first garment in time for the little get together with said D&D group. 

Relishing completed projects by a deadline, I definitely sank into a vegetative state for a few days. Now that I’ve reemerged from my Crusader Kings III binge (weirdly enough sitting at a computer playing a video game for hours at a time isn’t actually relaxing! Ouch my back) I’m excited to dive into my creative projects. 

Blessed with a Joanne’s gift card, I finally bought batting and thread for the quilt I had set aside last month. I am in love with these thread colors and have some cool ideas for the quilt stitching. 

Feeling inspired by Sashiko embroidery. I was reading how repetitive geometric patterns differ from traditional fine art. In that fine art tends to be the expression of the individual or pure essence of man whereas patterns emerge from common feelings and world views. (Link down below to the article I learned this from). 

I really loved this idea of patterns being like an echo of shared experiences. Really tying back into my focus on community, what these quilts are for, and the recurring motif of nature that appeals to me. I’m looking forward to experimenting with stitching repetitive designs in the quilt top. There won’t be that contrast that is so iconic with Sashiko, that blue and white, since I chose this thread before deciding on these patterns. I still love these colors though, I feel like they match the quilt so well and will hopefully give a subtle depth. 

As always: If anyone following along would like to donate, batting, fabric, textiles, lace, ribbons, beads and other sewing notions: please contact You Are Here. Oh, Scrap! Is also open to the public to purchase your own materials to create something new! A wide range of items beyond just the fabric-based that I’m seeking for projects. 

Hope you find something neat to create with!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!

