Oh, Scrap! & Surprise Inspiration

Helped organize Oh, Scrap! donations this weekend. They have put so much work into the space! I just want to grab a basket and go shopping there! Of course, I did pick up some fabric before I left, helping to clear more space I’m sure. Jen found this really cool purple galaxy fabric in the newer donations and set it aside for me. I’m looking forward to figuring out what to make with it. 

As promised, I finally figured out what I want to do for the piece I’d like to submit to the Women in Art show. Not wanting to give too much away yet, I’ll just say I’ve moved from 2-dimensional quilting to 3-D quilt sculpting! I had been so stuck, trying to translate the idea into a flat quilt. Wanting to try too many new skills at once, I felt overwhelmed. 

Then a friend reminded me of the faerie wings I used to make out of wire and cellophane. Something familiar that had initially felt so different from what I was trying to do with fabric. Now it clicks, and I’m going to experiment with that 3-D sculpted aspect with fabric. I feel like it allows a lot more room for improvisation than the type of quilting I have been doing so far. 

Joys of a sewing machine! So many petals sewn in such a short amount of time! This would have typically taken me days to do by hand. The initial apprehension I had with using a machine is much less now that I’ve had a chance to play around with it. I’m also really pleased with how these petals have turned out, I might not need to add wire to the insides with how they’ve taken shape on their own. 

As always: If anyone following along would like to donate, batting, fabric, textiles, lace, ribbons, beads, and other sewing notions: please contact You Are Here Art Gallery. Oh, Scrap! Is also open to the public to purchase your own materials to create something new! A wide range of items beyond just the fabric-based that I’m seeking for projects. 

Hope you find something neat to create with!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing!